Benefits of Using Spin Bike

Benefits of Using Spin Bike

  • Monitor: It helps you monitor the amount of workout you do or it helps you keep a track of your progress.
  • Calories: It is a High-Intensity workout machine, thus 45 minutes of workout can help you lose 500 calories.
  • Low Impact: Spinning does not ache you knees or thighs as it puts low amount of pressure on the fragile parts unlike running.
  • Reduce Stress: Exercise is a proved method of lowering down the stress level and a spinning class is more efficient in doing so.
  • Reduce Risk of Hurt: The wheel in the machine is covered and there is a seat attached on the machine to sit and pedal.
  • Muscle Tone Build: Spin bike workout forces tension on the core muscles, butt and thighs, helping in building muscle tone.
  • Increased Cardiovascular: It is found out in  study that spinning can increase cardiovascular fitness up to 3-7% as it makes the heart pound in a steady manner. 
  • Immune System: Cycling can be a great aid to increase stamina and can protect against certain types of cancer.
  • Tempo Control: Spin bike workout provides liberty to modify and control the tempo of the workout.

You can choose the type of Studio/Spin Bike you want to hire by clicking on the button below.